Saturday, November 08, 2008

Pew Pew

Style burglar!!
Photobucket Watch out for angie! Photobucket Got some banners made for the Monster comp on syd.
Havent bought takeaway for a while, had to do with bar pizza. BEST PIZZA!
Photobucket Friday night skates, Yanyan found a cute little friend.
Photobucket Photobucket There was a chair at the park, so it was put to good use.
Photobucket Photobucket Sophie came down!
Photobucket Mid skate, went to give banni his bday/engagement/wedding present! From Bow aids and me. Luv ya banni!
Photobucket Robbie was doing this quite a bit.
Photobucket Effects.
Photobucket This is gnar, banni was winding up for a fs360 and i was about to take a shot, Olly rolled down the bank full speed and they collided. They both came out pretty bad..
Photobucket Yea nods!
Bowow doing powerslide smith grinds.
Baz double handed nose grabs!! But i missed about 4 of them..
Crazy armed lipslides
Yea rinny, big pop shuvs
Photobucket Crew.
Photobucket 50-50 stalls back in, quayde also fs tail stalled it, james bs smith and jez fsnosepicks!
Photobucket Photobucket
Frodo was killing it, im sure this is a full cab bigger spin? im not good at naming tricks.
Photobucket Not many people can skate this ledge cos its too hard, ders can tho!
Photobucket Hammertime, qbomb did tre to flat, amazing!! It was getting dark sorry about the bad quality video, it was my photo cam!

Whole park game of skate! Height order..Ahern got a set of wheels!
There was a munster mission on, slams went down. Heres lukes war wounds.
Powerslide comp now, set of wheels to the winner, bow won his own wheels back! I only got a phoot of jez tho.. his wheels were sounding like a lawn mower after.
After skate banni ben, nod and i head to ipoh gardens on leach hwy to have a feed. The noodles were pretty hot, but it was really yummy!
My macbook pro arrived yesterday, and i still havent had time to play with it yet(too busy blogging). So happy though!